Munch & Byte: Is it True that, Indian Programmers work like Car Mechanic
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Hi Friends,
Yes what you read is correct. This is what felt by none other than Kiran Karnik, Nasscom, President. For Full story read the interview posted on one of the web site.
I am deeply impressed by describing the truth in clear naked words. Words used at juncture where, President of Indian Goverment is describing for Vision for India in IT market place.I feel any person with Two eyes and brain reads it, must not feel humilated about it. Rather I suggest he/she to contemplate on reasons and ways to change the nature of it.
Mr. Karnik scores 100 out of 100 for getting the hold of social impact of IT jobs on Indian culture and values. IT jobs specific to Call center and BPO are inclining more and more young guys to mimick western culture. I will make my stance clear in stating that, cultures are not actions performed in literal sense but, mind space absorbing, processing and generating thoughts/actions. One real incident happen to me to endorse Mr. Karnik " In 2003, I was working late in night @1:30 pm. Returning home from office, waiting for the Hired Taxi and smoking a cigrette. One young girl in her early 20s approaching me with her lusterous body language and asked for favour to lend a cigrette.".
One more analysis to Mr. Karnik about Primary education which is major challenge that he is going to face for next 15 years. Cost of Primary education for kid born on Jan 1,2005 till he becomes Enggineering Graduate at present prevailing cost (assuming not a premium eduation institute) can be around 8,50,000. Major components are coaching class and private tuition fees contributing to 70% in whole career of engg. student.
Let us assume a family of Father, Mother and Two Child (One boy and one Girl) with total family income to Rs.10,000/= per month thus, annually Rs. 1,20,000/=.
Let us assume a family of Father, Mother and Two Child (One boy and one Girl) with total family income to Rs.10,000/= per month thus, annually Rs. 1,20,000/=.
Total Monthly expenditure for family (Vegetables, Milk, Grains, Basic amnities) Rs. 3,000/= per month assuming no abnormal illness. Annually will be Rs.36,000/=. Other expenditures like conveyances, clothes etc. Rs.10,000/= per annum. (Assuming travelling in public transport, not wearing branded cloathes from glittering shopping malls :>))
Break of remaining Rs.76,000/= goes as portion to ....
Goverment for income tax, service tax, professional tax and what not (total say 3000 per ann),
celebration of festivals or other unexpected expenditure etc. (rs.5,000/=)
Provident Fund, Pension Fund, Insurance policy etc. Rs.8,000.
This expenditure excludes any recreation activiites (Holidays touring, going for seasonal shoppings), any consumer loans etc. leads us to our family saving approx. Rs. 60,000/=.
One more twist to the whole thing is education with and with out coaching classes. With out going in why and what of oaching classes/tutions, we can estimate that, with coaching class family need to bear Rs. 2,500/= per kid and with out it can range from 1,000/= to 500/= per annum. For 10 years, kid's father will be paying Rs. 25,000/= per kid. Thus, after 10 years for Two kids - Rs.50,000 to 70,000.
Assume Family saves 60,000/= per annum for next 10 years (ignoring inflation against the increment in salaries and great Taxes and VATs, No consumer loans, no housing loans, no costly mobiles and high fi cloathes and holidays). Family will save Rs. 6,00,000/= with this saving invested every year with 12% annulaised interest will get additional income after great income tax and captial gain tax etc. Rs. 2,00,000/=. Thus saving of Rs.8,00,000/=
Father of the family has biggest question after 10 years when his kids are about to go to school.
a. Marriage of Her daughter which will be around the corner in next 4 to 5 years. Which may cost Anywhere between Rs. 3,00,000/= to Rs. 5,00,000/= (Good that Indian Dowery issues are not burning so Hot). Rest for him, his wife and his kids remaining years education.
b. Use this money for his kid's education (10th year onwards, sudden surge in expenditure of both the kid'ss education which may total upto Rs. 5,00,000/= or more if not becomes enggineer graduate) and reduce the asset to Rs. 4,00,000 - 5,00,000. Assuming his son and daughter never went for coaching class,premium education institutes. Then daughter marriage. (E.g. of one of the non premium coaching class announcing special "Cost effective" loan scheme with EMI of 2,500/= for 12 months - Rs. 30,000/= per year for 10th year)
Fees of IIM, IITs as well of non premium enggineering colleges in India can range from Rs. 60,000/= to 80,000/= per annum with hostel and other exp. like books etc. will be close to Rs. 1,00,000/= per annum.
At the end, Can he save something for his retirement, old age illness medical expanses etc. before he retires or he needs to survive on his pension and retirement.
Does our visionaries of finace have any great investment insruments with low risk for such family, does our education institutes and education ministry stop such situations.
Does it not affecting the vision as one day parents will discourage their kids or will do right or wrong things to get this expenditure. If u are still not convenienced, have a look at some of the statistics in AP and Karnataka States.
I respect Mr. Azim premiji - Chairman of Wipro Pvt. Ltd. - one of the premium IT services firm in India for realising some of such pains of socitey and started emphasis on supporting primary eduation.
Let me also one day contribute to India's growth.
Does our visionaries of finace have any great investment insruments with low risk for such family, does our education institutes and education ministry stop such situations.
Does it not affecting the vision as one day parents will discourage their kids or will do right or wrong things to get this expenditure. If u are still not convenienced, have a look at some of the statistics in AP and Karnataka States.
I respect Mr. Azim premiji - Chairman of Wipro Pvt. Ltd. - one of the premium IT services firm in India for realising some of such pains of socitey and started emphasis on supporting primary eduation.
Let me also one day contribute to India's growth.

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