"20000" : Magic Number for Triton in 2004 and moe insight on Stage set for future of ATMs in India

What is Innovation in Business?
I consider it as "It's like placing yourself in Thin wafer space between the cracks of market place and suddenly showing that, you have grown in Diameter which bigger enough to be considered but not occupied by the leaders."
I hope u will like this story of Triton - ATM manufacturer in US. Way back in 80's and 90's they were nowhere near biggies but now they are bigger in Retail space that even biggies are feeling envy.
Triton says it set a new sales record in 2004, shipping more than 20,000 ATMs, a 19 percent increase over its 2003 shipments of 17,050 units.
According to a news release, Triton has continued to experience growth in worldwide shipments since 1994. This past year yielded sales increases in numerous regions including the US,UK, Netherlands, Africa, Canada and Australia.
Strong sales of Triton's best-selling 9100 series, along with market acceptance of the new RL5000 and FT5000 models, fueled the sales growth.
"Two of Triton's newest products, the RL5000 and FT5000 models, released one year ago, have made significant contributions to the sales volume by opening new markets," said Triton President Brian Kett. "With the newly introduced RT2000, we expect to further increase our market presence by providing a low-cost through-the-wall ATM designed for high-volume retail locations."
Triton achieved another significant milestone in February of 2004, with the production of its 100,000th ATM since beginning production in 1994.
"We plan to continue this trend in 2005 as we launch our new line of ATMs featuring a Microsoft Windows XP platform and Prism software for multi-vendor platforms targeting the financial institution market," Kett said.
Local Indian Scenario:
Triton has entered in India through it's strategic alliance partnership with Global Cash Link - Company promoted by Indian Veterans in ATM business for last 20 years - HMA group. HMA has tie up with De La Ru ATMs (Every 6th ATM sold is a De La Ru Dispenser in the world).
With service network to come up in FEb 2004, first few wins are wining maintenance order for managing 300 ATMs of Bank of India, YES bank contract for AMT driving and supply are few wins. Global Cash link provides best product mix.
>> IST ATM Switch for ATM driving and Transaction processing
>> Triton and De La Ru ATMs as ATM product offering
>> Legacy of knowing ATM business's service delivery
>> State of the art Management Center
Specifically we need to understand the major cost component in Managed service busienss is the TCO for managing the ATM switch. Compared to other Mainframe based solution I can see software development and software maintenance cost coming down by 30% by using open system.
Let us have the overview on IST/Switch's few of the key features.
0. IST/Switch from eFunds is one of the true Open System:
IST/Switch works on all the commercial Unix (AIX,HP-UX, Solaris and Tru 64 with base build on AIX).This gives edge to IST over competive ATM switch products such as Mosaic/Positilion (Biggest issue is it works on Microsoft plateform). IT has another advantage of port available on open source OS LINUX (RedHat Build). All commerical known RDBMS such as ORACLE, SYBASE, INFORMIX and planning for porting on MySQL - an open source RDBMS.
Network protocol support for TCP/IP ver 4 as well as legacy protocol like BiSync, X.25 is sufficent to take on any kind of requirements.
1.ATM driving:
eFund alliance providing IST/Switch on ASP model. IST/Switch being open plateform based deployed and operated on cost effective manner.
2. Transaction processing and Switching:
IST/Switch provides cheapest interface development and efficient transaction processing and switching as it's based on UNIX IPC and Seamphore based. Transaction logging is based on Database with support for all commercial availalbe as well as open source DB.
3. Payment Gateway:
Off the shelf MC and VISA interface are easy to customise as it has customised product parameters, BIN table for changing transaction routing.
4. Security Interface:
Integration with commercially available hardware encryption devices like Thales(RACAL), Attalla and many more. Daisy Chaining, fault tolerance are developed for large transaction base.
5. Pin Encryption,Verification and Translation:
ePin encryption and verification can be managed with Pin verification recrod for each network as well as Terminal master Key both loaded as seperate record in database.
One unique thing is Database modifications are well protected as it can not be modified with backend SQL command prompt and requires seperate secured Oracle Character form based utility.
Pin Translation for Interchange are easy to manage as Terminal keys are indexed based on network ID.
I think as years to come, Managed services from such centers are going to offer better flexibility and cost effective options than the legacy players.
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