Munch and Byte: ING Direct ahead in valuechain

New Report Takes Issue With Common Notions On ID Fraud
Contrary to conventional wisdom, most cases occur through offline channels like paper statements instead of the Internet, according to the 2005 Identity Fraud Survey Report from the Better Business Bureau and Javelin Strategy and Research.
The survey found that computer crimes accounted for just 11.6 percent of all identity fraud in 2004. Conversely, most cases stem from a lost or stolen wallet or checkbook.
It also found that in half the cases where a perpetrator is caught, it is somebody known by the victim: a friend, relative, neighbor or in-home employee.
Finally, the report found that the problem is not worsening: the number of victims fell to 9.3 million last year from 10.1 million in 2003.
ING Direct Implements Informatica ’s PowerCenter
Specifically, ING will be better able to target customers and prospects and reduce customer-acquisition costs and quickly respond to market changes, according to Informatica.
ING officials say that ING Direct has grown so quickly that it is virtually impossible to set the information architecture requirements in stone and PowerCenter gives it the flexibility to change easily within a data warehouse, enabling the bank to maintain close relationships with customers.
Diebold To Restructure European Operations
Ohio-based ATM maker Diebold Inc. plans to “take aggressive actions” to restructure its European operations in 2005. Company officials were forthright about their disappointment in the company’s margins from Western Europe.
Its Opteva ATM has not fully completed the customer certification process and even though the company expects to make key advances in that area by the end of the first quarter, it also expects to see continued pricing pressures.
Without providing details on the restructuring, Diebold says it will take aggressive actions to better align its global resources and cost structures.
The company announced its restructuring plans along with its quarterly performance for the fourth quarter 2004. Total quarterly revenue was $717 million, up 10.6 percent from the same time period last year.
TRITON - Competitior of Diebold has shown largest increase in quarterly revenue of $850 million and NCR coming closer with improved profitability $124 million posting quarterly revenue of $ 1.6 billion.

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