David and Goliath #1: Telecom Follies < > Small Body big Heart
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Hi Friends,
Good morning. Something to brew with morning coffee and ponder in the night before sleep.
1. Telecome Follies: Telecom Biggies who feel they know everthing and anything under the sun might have to pause and look at Gary Audin's "Five Nines".
2. Small Body big Heart: Let us talk of innovation. is innovation as buzz word to get smart value investors ?? or good Brand building exercise. All proves wrong for true strategy to execution by Phillipines based bank - Banco de Oro.
It will setup 20 ATMs in McDonald Stores. Bank is focussing on corporate market specifically of SME segment and pushing agressively Retail banking. Present deal is part of it's strategy to expand it's automated outlets. Bank has tie up with Express net which is national network of Phillipines with 1700 ATMs accessed by 3.5 Million card holders.
Looking at present restriction of opening branch outlets ( Banks can open brnaches only for co-operative and microfinance related activities) it is the best option available. Bank's size of 184 branches is small compared to medium size of banks in India (Some are having 300 to 400 branches but, are so fat that, can't move an inch).
3. "MphasiS Acquires Princeton Consulting." Read Recent acquition news - It describes good perception about IT companies in India and their problems (Also Reinforcing Kiran Karnik's Nasscom Chairman's view)
It will setup 20 ATMs in McDonald Stores. Bank is focussing on corporate market specifically of SME segment and pushing agressively Retail banking. Present deal is part of it's strategy to expand it's automated outlets. Bank has tie up with Express net which is national network of Phillipines with 1700 ATMs accessed by 3.5 Million card holders.
Looking at present restriction of opening branch outlets ( Banks can open brnaches only for co-operative and microfinance related activities) it is the best option available. Bank's size of 184 branches is small compared to medium size of banks in India (Some are having 300 to 400 branches but, are so fat that, can't move an inch).
3. "MphasiS Acquires Princeton Consulting." Read Recent acquition news - It describes good perception about IT companies in India and their problems (Also Reinforcing Kiran Karnik's Nasscom Chairman's view)

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