Dear all,
2007 had gone ... Not able top remain online for most of the year.... busy with my own personal issues.
2008 started with good news which I was waiting for last 5 years... some one doing innovative in the field of Renewable energy.... next to GooglePlex in California.... HQ of Google...
Here comes a feature of FIRST EVER Community set in ENERGY RICH country (Contributing high in Carbon emission) to generate all GREEN ENERGY source township in AbhDhabi yes.... MASDAR.
The best way to predict the future, it could well be said, is to invent it. At the inaugural World Future Energy Summit (WFES) in Abu Dhabi last week, proactive policy commitment and major financial initiative for future energy solutions was much in evidence. At the state-of-the-art National Exhibition Centre, the government of Abu Dhabi pledged $15 billion as seed capital for a whole gamut of multi-year projects and policy drives for sustainable energy.
Included in the funding package was Masdar, designed as the world’s first zero-carbon, zero-waste and car-free city. Also announced was the international Zayed Future Energy Prize, to honour individuals and organisations for outstanding contribution in innovation, development and implementation of sustainable energy solutions.
Awards of over $2 million would be made annually, with the awards committee to be chaired by India’s RK Pachauri. Now energy and initiative can and indeed do achieve wonders. But for oil-rich Abu Dhabi, envisioning a future energy scenario sans carbon, in the here and now, seems truly pathbreaking.
The multi-billion investment corpus, the formal announcement of which was made by Crown Prince Zayed Al Nahyan, would be channelled through the Masdar Initiative, a company specifically setup to “explore, develop and commercialise” future energy sources.
Masdar, which connotes ‘the source’ in Arabic, intends to leverage the initial funding to form joint ventures and tie-up with partners across the globe, so as to create an investment portfolio that is “many times larger”.
The ambitious programme would comprise of forward-looking projects in Abu Dhabi, West Asia and beyond. And focus on renewable energy projects based on solar, wind and hydrogen power generation, sustainable development and planning including cityscapes, and education and research into future energy technologies that are environmentally benign.
As Dr Sultan Al Jaber, CEO of Masdar put it, “Masdar has a simple promise to be the world’s centre for future energy solutions. It is not about discussion. It is about action.” Already, the Masdar Clean Technology Fund, a $250-million investment fund, has concluded its first year with strong deal flows and has deployed “most of its capital,” one year ahead of schedule.
Meanwhile Masdar city, planned close to the Abu Dhabi airport, would eventually grow to have over 50,000 residents and 1,500 businesses when completed in 2016. It would be home to international business and leading minds in the future energy field. As Lord Foster, the internationally renowned architect who has designed it said, Masdar would be “design in a holistic sense” and “be an inspirational model.”
It would have at least 70% less energy intensity than a conventional city, and be laid out so as to keep “cool in a warm climate,” with a south-east—north-west street alignment. Further, the city would be of “high density,” with no separate zones as such for industry, culture space and residences et al.
Every roof would be an energy source at Masdar, and over half the residents would have access to green spaces within a minute’s walking distance. The architecture would be “timeless”, one would not be able to “pin” a regional style, added Lord Foster. There would be personal commuter vehicles as well as public transport available in Masdar: the idea is to have improved urban quality of life, which could be replicated elsewhere. As the US energy secretary Sam Bodman noted at the WFES, “we must all recognise the realities of global climate change and look for ways to develop cleaner sources of energy that at the very least do not worsen—and hopefully can improve—the health of earth’s environment.”
A key institution of Masdar city would be the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), which has been set up on the lines of the world-famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology and with close collaboration with it.
As a matter of fact, MIST is already conducting research in a dozen fields in alternative energy and sustainability, with teaching expected to begin next year. The faculty at MIST seems poised to support the drive to create the next generation of energy leaders in Abu Dhabi and around the world.
Masdar city is envisaged to have its main electricity supply from 180MW solar power source, much of it photovoltaic energy. Already, an international field test is underway onsite at Masdar, to determine the most efficient PV solar panels. Elsewhere, the Masdar Initiative plans to fund ‘concentrating solar power plants,’ research beam-down solar technology and put up an industrial-scale, 500MW hydrogen-fired power plant, the largest of its kind in the world.
For the technology to have a momentum of its own, what is required is proactive policy and proper market incentives such as a credible, long-term price for carbon under the Clean Development Mechanism, and successor regimes.
AWAITING FOR FEW remarkable TRUE Indians like - Anil Ambani (Power ON India ON man) - NArendra Modi (Visionary Politician) - Chandra Babu Naidu (Making AP as next destination for Globla companies to setup their shop) - Tatas ( Tatas have tie up with BP for Solar) - WIPRO (Good presenance in Indian Retail as well as Power equipment market) - Bajaj ( Hamara Bajaj - Bajaj ELectrcials all time Big timer)......so on so forth.
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